Ivaylo Dagnev


The research aims to analyze in a comparative plan the conceptual metaphors of economic news headlines in the Bulgarian and English press. The main role of headlines in the media is to attract the reader's attention, to show the author's approach to the topic, to the content of the article or to its focus. A substantial part in creating the impression of each headline is played by the so-called conceptual metaphors. Until the early 1980s, metaphor was considered simply a literary device, but Lakoff & Johnsons‘ (1980) Conceptual Metaphor Theory presents metaphor and metonymy not only as types of rhetorical devices, but also as ways of thinking and knowing through which people understand abstract concepts through simpler ones objectified by experience. By means of an analysis based on this theory, the paper tries to shed light on the typology of conceptual metaphors in the headlines of press articles on economic topics in Bulgarian and English-language journals, thus aiming to clarify the cultural-linguistic peculiarities in the media sphere in both cultures.


headlines, Bulgarian press, English press, economy, conceptual metaphors

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